Looks Like Another Charity Could Lose Money on Sarah Tonight

Fresh from her debacle at Colorado Christian University last night, Sarah will be in Point Clear, Alabama tonight to keynote a fundraiser for the “Exceptional Foundation of Baldwin County,” a nonprofit that helps people with mental and physical handicaps.

It’s unclear how much Sarah is charging the nonprofit for her appearance, but given an opportunity to say she was not charging the group, one of the organizers declined to do so, saying only that he “would not disclose costs for the event.”

But what is clear is that Point Clear residents won’t exactly be flocking to the local Marriott to hear the speech. “We don’t have quite the crowd we might have hoped for,” an organizer said, adding that tickets were still available, even as of this afternoon.

Tomorrow’s headline? “A Fallen Star Flopped in Alabama Last Night”

35 Responses to “Looks Like Another Charity Could Lose Money on Sarah Tonight”

  • karenw729:

    Hey Joe, thanks for covering this. It’s really been irking me that $arah is charging to speak at a charity for the disabled. Blogger Malia Litman interviewed the chairman of the charity board and he told her that $arah wouldn’t agree to speak until they agreed to pay her $100,000 fee. He told Malia he would pay it out of his own pocket if ticket sales weren’t sufficient. This charity is new and has not yet received its 501c3 status…which is also raising some eyebrows. Please keep following this one!

  • The neonatologist I’ve been speaking with weighs in with Part 2 of: Do Doctor’s Lie?


    His scenario at the end of the post is most interesting. Joe, we can’t wait to find out what you found out! Many thanks, Laura

  • Virginia Voter:

    Good lord, is this anywhere near tornado damage? This money grubber is storming the US in a desperate grab for cash and prizes from organizations that don’t even have the money to pay her? Point Clear is a tiny resort town near the Gulf where the average median income is under $40k per year!

    After begging supporters for money , pocketing $200k over the weekend, you wouldnthink Sarah would give a freebie once in a while for a start up foundation that helps the special needs community.


  • Lisabeth:

    It shocks me that people pay her to listen to her blather and repeat the same things over and over.
    I never realized how many dumb people there were before. Her followers are telling people this is charity which proves they don’t know her like they think you do.

  • Lisabeth:

    It shocks me that people pay her to listen to her blather and repeat the same things over and over.
    I never realized how many dumb people there were before. Her followers are telling people this is charity which proves they don’t know her like they think they do.

  • TurtleTears:

    She will enjoy the view of Mobile Bay with the lovely oil wells scattered throughout the bay. Maybe she can pick up a few Deepwater Horizon tarballs while she’s there.

    Before it was a Marriott, this was the very Old South “Grand Hotel.” I’m curious as to how she will be received there. If she wears that clip-on hair or her hooker shoes, the Steel Magnolias will not hesitate to snicker behind their hankies at her.

  • Sally:

    What a complete and utter waste of air, not to mention airplane fuel and food. Sarah should take her millions ( as it was estimated at 12 a year ago, I’m betting she’s worth at least $30 mill now) and dig a hole in that Alaskan tundra and hide them for the snowy days ahead. Her stump speech tonight will be more of the same…what a blessing Trig is (the real blessing to Trig is that Sarah spends very little time with him) and how she CHOOSES LIFE!!!! Bet there’s kudos to President Bush again too….now the GOP says Obama ‘got lucky.’ Good God, make it stop.

  • Older_Wiser:

    I’m sure the good people of Alabama would rather help their friends and neighbors who lost everything in the tornadoes rather than a grifting narcissistic know-nothing who will not spend a dime of her own money in the state or offer assistance to anyone in it.

    Of course a fool and his or her money are soon parted, so the venal hucksters will be there hoping to see a flash of thigh.

  • Sir Guestalot:

    When we do the totals on how much folks “lose” at these Palin events, let’s not forget to calculate her carbon footprint into the mix. She flew from D.C. to California to Colorado to Alabama in a short period of time.

    When she took planes on her fake bus book tour, that was also a big carbon footprint.

  • Punkinbugg:

    I just had an *aha* moment, Lisabeth! Maybe this is why the media is barred from covering her speeches. Except for the greeting and salutation, her speeches are probably word-for-word identical to one another.

    Sure, most pols have stump speeches, but is she really linguistically agile enough to make each sound fresh? You betcha! Fresh as a salad! 🙂

  • AuntieRuth:

    Check this link:


    Once again, rich donors are covering all the “costs”. i do not understand this business model at all.

  • mitch:

    I wish some reasonable, sane, sober-minded, influential and well respected figure would publicly pick a fight with her. It would be a striking contrast between someone calm and collected and her over the top screaming screeching vocabulary challenged vitrol. Then we could say; ” I told you so America. The evidence you need right before your non-lying eyes”. Or am I being childish?!?

  • Nhrtuvdxi:

    The charity’s facebook page says they are qualified to be 501(3)c. The median income may be low but there is serious money in that area…..mega wealth and a polo club where Prince Charles participated in a charity match there many years ago. It’s beautiful in that area but a lot of Baldwin County is beautiful. Fairhope, north of Pt.Clear is rich also and has a large artistic type community and an interesting history. It was founded as an experimental community and also an experimental school that I believe still exists, The Marietta Johnson School Of Organic Education.

    I live near the coast, about 30mi.S.E. of where the Stench will be appearing and think it’s a damn shame that the charity didn’t find a celebrity that would donate their time. It was an elderly man(has a special needs son) that announced the founding of this chapter and that Palin was coming on the news a few months back. He looked thrilled that she was coming and it seemed he believed she really cared. I felt so sorry for him and his ignorance and dislike her even more now.

    Sorry so wordy.

  • FrostyAK:

    In $arah’s world, charity does not mean what it does in our world. ‘Charity’ is about how much suckers are willing to pay her to spew word salad all over them. Seems there is still a lot of ‘charity’ left for her to grift.

    So many rich undereducated xtian idiots in this country… and so many poor people who will go without because of the grifter John Mccain turned loose on the country.

    If they can raise the same money from rich donors, why pay her to spew? If she wasn’t part of the equation, there would be more for those who actually need it.

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    “‘Star’ [sic] Fell on Alabama”?


    Forgive me, Lady Day, wherever you are, for desecrating your version of this classic song in such a way, but I thought that your version would annoy the Palinbots more than, say, Doris Day’s…

  • KatzKids:

    Her speeches are like a salad that’s been sitting out in the sun for a week, a month, a year – or more? 😉

  • I agree with you, but I also can’t believe the colleges allow Sarah to spew her hate about our Potus to the young college students.

  • Older_Wiser:

    Craig Dahle: http://www.mobileso.com/About%20Us/StaffBio.aspx?id=274

    Retired special agent FBI.

    Cheeeez. Glad that one is retired.

  • Viva:

    Mrs TBB, you overlooked Ella and Satchmo. 😉

  • Older_Wiser:

    Oh, wait! Faulkner University is another place Quitler put out word salad. According to this, Craig Dahle teaches there: http://www.mobileso.com/About%20Us/StaffBio.aspx?id=274

  • Older_Wiser:

    Can’t believe Craig Dahle could sit twice through the same speech: http://www.faulkner.edu/palin.asp

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    It was a hard decision, Viva. For maximum contrast, I chose the most tragic figure of those three…

  • nswfm:

    That’s because they’ve gone “full retard” to quote a Hollywood movie, since she’s so desperately trying to horn in on the celebritard market.

  • Lisabeth:

    I agree but it sounded like only elderly people went, not the students. Still, if my kids college had Palin speak for a fundraiser, Id pull my kid out. Sarah is not someone who values higher education! Look at her kids.

  • diz:

    She obviously missed an opportunity to screech in Saraland a few miles north of Pt Clear. The chosen location is an good fit tho too for she has never, ever made a point clear.

    I bet a few tin-foil hats have had to be redeemed at the local recycle center to raise money for those spendy tickets.

  • Scorpie:

    I believe that she did waive her fee when she spoke at the NRA convention.

  • g:

    So…..$600 tickets.

    The Marriott site has some good online event planning tools. I figure if they have a crowd of 300 they’ll haul in $180,000 – and that’s being optimistic.

    Even a simple buffet dinner there costs $80 pp, which would be $24,000; the cheapest bar is $18 pp for 1 hour – that’s $5400, you figure the cost of AV is at least $600, then you probably want music for the reception – the Mariott offers a string quartet for $1500 – souvenir programs and menus, florals, then there’s security costs, and any venue follow up costs, plus parking. – So the venue and the food and the security is probably going to cost them $50,000 at the very least.

    Sarah’s fee is $100,000. So where are we now? We have $30,000 left.

    And we haven’t even cost out the marketing, printing, and postage fees, not to mention staff time and things like rentals for radios, parking, and any expenses Sarah may run up.

    So the charity is going to get maybe $20,000. And that’s if they actually sell 300 tickets at full price.

  • Jeanabella:

    I worked as a volunteer with a Charity (non-profit) as a volunteer for 10 years and recently retired from the Board of Directors.
    We had fund raisers each year for the families of the Troops and we had another account for people who had a catastrophic condition happen in their life.
    Over ten years of giving totaled more than $750K in grants to recipients and all the administration expenses were paid by the founder of the Charity.
    One of the most important things was to get the most bang for the buck! We made sure that everything was donated when possible. We raised up to $150K in one night and that was after any expenses. What kind of fundraiser spends more than they collect? I know the 503c code is very strict for how money is spent for fund raisers.

  • Ottoline Lyme:

    The money that charity has was donated in the hopes it might help exceptional children. Instead it’s going into SP’s pocket.

  • Ottoline Lyme:

    You forgot SP’s travel expenses, plus those of her entourage.

  • diz:

    The video of her 100K screech at another central CA college included ALL her favorite digs at the President with accompanying smarmy sneers and elevated voice inflections. The colleges are likely using alumni groups to launder the big buck payouts to avoid the taint of endorsing her political propaganda. Still, public colleges should acknowledge that these are partisan political events rather than passing them off as some sort of legitimate educational forum. Central CA is primarily right-wing and she knows it. That’s why her little sideshow doesn’t play well in larger urban areas of the State. Can you imagine her at UCLA or Stanford? I don’t think so. =^.^=

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    The NRA doesn’t pay its speakers.

  • jk:

    Thanks for the context. We can only hope that the man who founded the chapter will change his opinion of The Grifter.

  • omomma:

    Impossible. The rational intelligent person she focuses on is the President. Note his non-response. That’s what normal people do in a situation where they are attacked by an idiot because they know there’s no “win” in an “argument” between people of unequal intellectual development. There can’t even be an “argument.”

  • AKRNC:

    My Mother was on several local charities and was the chairwoman of four of them. I often helped her with obtaining donations for their fundraisers. They had many people more than willing to donate time, service, food, etc. However, when a charity was willing to spend the money they are talking about giving Palin $100k plus expenses, the local businesses are far less willing to donate their time unless everyone is donating. With Palin being a multimillionaire and the mother of a child with special needs is a double slap in the face and the hypocrisy is overwhelming when she talks about special needs being near and dear to her heart. What has she done for the Downs’ Syndrome Foundation specifically? Nothing, yet she could have raised a lot of money for them. However, that would not have put money in her pocket at the same time.